Fairfield County

About the Libertarian Party Of Fairfield County

We are the LPCT local affiliate for all the townships in Fairfield County. This area of the state is aching for something different after suffering decades of neglect from the duopoly.


Our goal is to push back against the statist edicts that come out of this area with a stronger message of liberty and freedom, to support local Libertarians running for public offices, and to start up volunteerism projects within our communities.



Our affiliate meets monthly via Zoom, and we look forward to in-person or hybrid meetings returning soon

Please check our Calendar for exact dates and times. Please RSVP for the next meeting - we'd love to meet you!


Social Media

Our affiliate maintains a page on FB: https://www.facebook.com/LPFairfieldCo


Ways to take action today:

Please sign up for a Regular Membership to the LP of CT here:  Regular Membership

Please update your Voter Registration to "Libertarian" here:  CT SOTS - Voter Registration




Chair Vice Chair Secretary
Doug Fechter

Jeff M.

Russell H.

LP of Fairfield County Bylaws - approved, and being posted approx. 3/2/2021



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  • Jonathan Johnson